Watch: Boston Dynamics' humanoid Atlas robot can now chase you through the forest - Distract A Mummy Sims

Watch: Boston Dynamics' humanoid Atlas robot can now chase you through the forest

Watch: Boston Dynamics' humanoid Atlas robot can now chase you through the forest ,

Are you a keen hiker? Maybe you go for a run through the woods in the morning? Maybe you’re looking forward to your next camping trip right now?

If any of those apply, perhaps you’ll think twice after seeing Boston Dynamics’ Atlas humanoid robot striding sure-footedly through the trees.

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We’ve seen Atlas tested out in altogether more controlled conditions, but this is one of the first times that we’ve seen it let loose (sort of) in nature.

This version needs the ‘power tether’ but the team is working on one that doesn’t, which would allow for a whole lot more freedom.

Marc Raibert, founder of Boston Dynamics, says that it currently has “mobility that’s in shooting range” of a human’s.

I just wish he’d chosen words other than “shooting range”. The future of humanoid robotics is scary enough already.

➤ Boston Dynamics’ Atlas Robot Tested Outside [YouTube]]

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