Stop what you're doing and play Connect Four on Slack - Distract A Mummy Sims

Stop what you're doing and play Connect Four on Slack

Stop what you're doing and play Connect Four on Slack ,

It’s Friday, so why not blow off some steam by challenging one of your coworkers to a friendly game of Connect Four?


New York, meet the world’s tech scene

5,000 Tech leaders are coming to NYC this November to learn and do business. This is your chance to join them.

If you use Slack for your workplace communications, simply link the Connect 4 bot and start playing the classic children’s board game with another player in a public or private chat.

Now, fight your coworker in a battle to the death! Connect 4 bot will handle the board map and communicate moves via numerical inputs.

Pretty sneaky, sis!


➤ Connect 4 bot [GitHub]


Stop what you’re doing and play Connect Four on Slack